We also ask the customers whether they need cutleries, if
China safety fence Manufacturers they say yes only then we provide it to them," said manager of the restaurant.".Meanwhile, few restaurants also stated that they are planning to levy packaging charges for deliveries. While some food outlets opted for paper straws, rest decided to not provide straws at allAHAR- Indian Hotel and Restaurant Association has asked its members to refrain from using plastic bags for delivering food items and come up with alternatives to plastic. An extra Rs10 might be levied for providing food in biodegradable bags. We have to look for other alternatives. " We have also switched to wooden forks and spoons for deliveries. A manager from the restaurant in Dadar east stated, "The paper bags get wet during rains.
Following the plastic ban, restaurants across Mumbai have decided to switch from plastic cutlery such as straws, cups, spoons to wooden cutlery and paper straws. While some restaurants have been using paper bags for delivering food, they claimed that it is difficult to do that during Monsoon. But despite knowing and being able to attend it, people are not getting their own containers here. The direction of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) to only use the biodegradable plastic bags that are certified by the pollution control board has added to the woes of citizens.. Several fish and vegetable vendors in the markets revealed that they were unaware of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) exhibition on the alternatives for plastic items. As per the authorities, these bags will take another three months to come in the market.
A similar scenario could be seen in Bandra (west) market area where vegetables were given wrapped in newspapers.Mumbai: On the second day of state’s plastic ban and also the busiest day of the week, impact was visible over the city’s fish and meat markets.In the market area of Kandivali, the meat and fish vendors were seen handing out items by wrapping it in papers. Prashant Koli, a fish vendor in Mulund (west) said, "We were not able to attend the exhibition as we were unaware of it. "I am not sure if I will be penalised for using the biodegradable garbage bags that I already have in my stock," said Debasmita, a resident of Mulund. "Since last two days, our business was suffering because customers were not getting containers, but today many turned up with their own containers," said Bandhu Tandel, a meat vendor in Vikhroli.